Boris Tank

collage illustration of Boris Johnson riding a tank

An excerpt from The Guardian article: Anti-gangs strategy risks becoming attack on young people, adviser warns The new Trident gang crime command will tackle gun crime and spearhead the fight against gangs. The measures are the Met’s response to demands from the Tory mayor of London, Boris Johnson, for police to do more to tackle…

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Splitting Scotland

An excerpt from David Cameron is to meet Alex Salmond to discuss plans for a referendum on Scottish independence, Downing Street has announced.Arrangements for the meeting between the prime minister and the first minister for Scotland, who are expected to discuss the UK government’s consultation on the legality of an independence referendum, are to be…

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No Vacancies

The home secretary, John Reid, today admitted that the beleaguered immigration directorate was “not fit for purpose” – and warned that people are likely to be sacked over the foreign prisoners’ fiasco.
Making his first appearance in front of the home affairs select committee since he took over the reins from Charles Clarke in this month’s reshuffle, Dr Reid admitted his department was failing to deliver as he refused to rule out the dismissal of immigration officials in light of a “tidal wave” of scandals.

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Militant secularisation

Lady Warsi is to warn of what she calls the “militant secularisation” of society and propose Christianity is given a central role in public life when she leads a high-level government delegation on an official visit to the pope.

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Mikhail Kalashnikov

editorial illustration, politics, Russia

Today, there are reported to be more than 100m Kalashnikov rifles in use worldwide. The weapon, which is favoured by both armies and militants, is said to be responsible for 250,000 deaths annually.

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Element of Destruction

illustration, editorial-illustration, north-korea, politics,

THE most dangerous message North Korea sent Tuesday with its third nuclear weapon test is: nukes are for sale.
The significance of this test is not the defiance by the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, of demands from the international community. In the circles of power in Pyongyang, red lines drawn by others make the provocation of violating them only more attractive.

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