Splitting Scotland

An excerpt from David Cameron is to meet Alex Salmond to discuss plans for a referendum on Scottish independence, Downing Street has announced.Arrangements for the meeting between the prime minister and the first minister for Scotland, who are expected to discuss the UK government’s consultation on the legality of an independence referendum, are to be…

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Scratch, Crackle & POP!

Branding image for Scratch, Crackle & POP! Scratch, Crackle & POP! is a seasonal scratch night showcasing the work of writers, performers and poets in the early stages of development, giving audiences a taste of upcoming and developing shows. The illustration supported the promotional campaign across all social media platforms with static images and animations.…

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Happiness – No longer the dismal science?

One of the more surprising growth industries to have taken off during the current period of economic downturn and austerity has been “the happiness industry”—the increasing activity of economists (not philosophers) who study what constitutes happiness and make recommendations to governments about how best to increase it.

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